Another month.Another year.Another smile.Another tear.Another winter and another summer too. But there can never be another you. Miss you.

"Perfect guy is not the one who has More money Or the most handsome one you'll met, Its the one who knows how to makes you smile everyday"

No matter how many fights you two may get into, if you truly love someone, it should never matter..

I hate it when people bring up things from the past just to hurt you.

Being in a relationship is a FULL-TIME 24/7 job. So don't get in one if you're not prepared to give it 100% of your effort.

The best feeling in the world is to know that your parents are smiling because of you ♥

A woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for so many things but will never leave you.

I just want a boy that's gonna say he loves me without my makeup.

If you're important, they find a way, if not, they find an excuse.

Think about things that make you happy. Forget things that make you sad. Because you live this life to be happy.

I don’t miss you. I miss the laughs, the smiles, the good times, and the way things were.

"The problem with guys is that they let go to easily... The problem with girls is that they never forget easily..."

"If BREAK-UPs never existed, the music industry would go halfway BANKRUPT."

The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest.

Don't leave a girl you need, for a girl you want.

even if i am shattered i still have ability to be strong enough to fight !!

Wanna know who's beautiful? The girl who is reading this right now

"Respect is for those who deserve it, not for those who demand it.."

I'm not perfect, I make mistakes and I hurt people. But when I say that I'm sorry, please believe me. Because I mean it.

You fight with the most important people in your life because those relationships are worth fighting for.

Sorry, but i dont need part time people in my life. Why? Cause' fuck you that's why.

âť’Taken âť’Single âś” Don't care anymore.

"Show me you're interested, and I'll ignore you. Ignore me and I'll run after you. — Men."

If you aren't happy being single you will never be happy in a relationship. Get your own life and love it first, then share it.

Everyone deserve a person that can make their heart forget that it was once broken ..

Not all people in your life are meant to stay.

Anyone can make you happy by doing something special, but only someone special can make you happy without doing anything.

"Life is the most difficult exam . Many fail trying to copy others, Not realizing that each one has a Different question paper!! #BeYourself"

God is love, and we can never know true love apart from Him.

Can you do me a favor? Don't forget me.

Things have a way of working out. Never underestimate the power of prayer, faith and love!

We met, we talked, we liked, we called, we texted, we dated, we committed, I loved, you cheated, we're done, you're deleted.

Don't cry because he left. Smile because he gave you an opportunity to find someone BETTER.

You know you have experienced real love, when you have lost it.

I'm not ignoring you, I'm just waiting for you to talk to me first.

I enjoy every moment I spend with you.

Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.

Some of life's best lessons are learned at the worst times.

I'm mature enough to forgive you, but not dumb enough to trust you again.

Good relationship is worth the wait .

Someone who truly loves you, sees what a mess you can be, how moody you can get, and how hard you can be to handle, but still wants you.

You have no idea how much l like you. How much you make me smile, how much l love talking to you, or how much l wish you were here.

Deep inside my heart, I still feel I need someone to love and care.

Sending a girl a text that says 'good morning beautiful' can change her attitude for the whole day.

I miss you. I miss us. I miss having you to talk to whenever I wanted. But I know I have to move on, because it's pointless.

Every girl needs a good guy to help her laugh when she thinks she'll never smile again.

I like hearing the words "I miss you" ...but you know what I like more? When someone proves it

I love your smile, your eyes, your laugh, your personality, your humor but the only thing I hate is that " I will never be yours... "

It's been said that you only truly fall in love once, but I don't believe that. Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again.

You should step in my shoes and walk a mile. Then maybe you'll see how hard it is to hold back tears and fake a smile.

Relationships are like drugs, they either kill you, or give you the best feeling of your life.

What hurts you today, makes you stronger tomorrow.